Nichts Neues unter der
Sonne: Die Untersuchungen zeigen klar, dass Männer, die unter dem
Post-Vasektomie-Schmerzsyndrom leiden, keine wirklich guten Chancen auf Schmerzfreiheit
haben, da man nicht weiss, was die Schmerzen genau auslöst. Hier die Zusammenfassung einer Studie: «Postvasectomy pain syndrome is a
poorly defined entity that although uncommon, presents a diagnostic and
treatment challenge for physicians. Although the definitive cause for postvasectomy
pain may be unclear, it is evident that traditional treatments such as
antibiotics, excisional surgery, and chronic pain medication are unlikely to
result in a successful outcome. Multimodal therapy, including nerve blocks,
medical management, psychiatric referral, and in select patients, vasectomy
reversal, are most likely to result in improvement in the quality of life for
these men. Further investigations of vasectomy associated
autoimmunity and the origins of neuropathic pain will hopefully provide insight
into the etiology and focal therapy for these patients' pain.» (
Tragisch ist auch, dass
in dieser Studie zugegeben wird, dass fast ZEHN PROZENT der vasektomierten
Männer Schmerzen entwickeln, dies aber als «kleiner Anteil» gesehen wird: However,
only a small percentage of postvasectomy patients (less than 10%) develop PVPS.»
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