Donnerstag, 7. März 2019


Beim «men’s health forum» erzählt ein Betroffener, wie schlimm es für ihn 18 Monate lang war:
I never really got a satisfactory explanation afterwards and post vasectomy pain (PVP) was never mentioned before the procedure. Perhaps things have improved now. The pain affected me mentally as well as physically. I was traumatised – that’s not too strong a word.

Und ein Arzt bestätigt diese Aussagen und sagt, dass etwa 15 Prozent von den Schmerzen betroffen sind:
Some colleagues are still sceptical about PVP but, now a lot of men have had the snip, attitudes are changing. I’d say around 15% of men have some sort of PVP.

Und der Arzt erklärt weiter:
Don’t underestimate it. I’ve seen guys off work, family and relationships ruined. Colleagues at a local pain clinic tell me that 15% of their patients are there for PVP.

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