first just wanted to thank this forum. I have browsed and
found alot of great info. My biggest regret was not finding this forum prior
to the Vas.
My wife
had just had a high risk pregnancy and Drs advised us not to have more
kids and really pushed a VAS as the ‹safe› way to go so I did my part.
Was an active runner, fit, no medical issues or surgical history.
1/29/16 @ 34, traditional scalpel 1 incision, cauterize consult and procedure
same day. No mention of chronic pain, I honesty had been so healthy to
that point I had no concept of poor heath. Truly Naive.
Right side went fine, but felt a shock during the left and had to administer
another shot. Didn’t really have issues at first other than swelling and a
strange tingling at the bottom of the scrotal skin which I didn’t even
understand at the time. After 4 weeks had a horrible case of right
Epidymitis. I had never heard of this and realized this ‹safe› procedure
was a mistake. Std antibiotics and naproxen and it cleared up in a week. Fast
forward 7 months and had pain in left side, more antibiotics and naproxen and
it cleared up in a week. At the 1 year mark suddenly during a run had
horrible pain on right side with burning into right thigh. Dr. tried Cipro,
more naproxen but this time nothing worked and I HAVE BEEN IN CONSTANT PAIN SINCE JANUARY 2017 [geschrieben im September 2019]. The pain turned
into a burning in the scrotum skin and burning on both thighs. Went back to
the VAS doc who denied any connection and told me it was all in my head. I
even contacted a few attorneys, but no one was interested. You are truly on
your own when things go south.